Triotherm as door upstand for a timber frame structure. The cement board has been added to allow a finishing render.

A very special setup for an ICF build, where the doors will be located in the external insulation layer.

In this retrofit project, Triotherm has been used to eliminate the cold bridging at floor level.

Triotherm door upstands in a contemporary extension.

Inside setup for a corner window upstand, made of Triotherm.

Triotherm door upstand for a curved architectural glazing.

Another corner window with Triotherm as door upstand.

By using packers and Triotherm, an insulated door upstand can even be created on an uneven subfloor.

Triotherm insulated door upstand detail in an ICF build.

The Triotherm door upstand has been shifted beyond the subfloor by using steel plates.

Triotherm insulated door upstand can be bolted against the floor slab as well.

Wider frames (e.g. sliders) may need two layers of Triotherm as door upstand.